Service and deadlines
Gravel Half Gas 60km
Service point: No service
Competitors have a maximum of 4 hours to complete the race.
Gravel Full Gas 105km
Service point: Salpa Line Museum at approx 60 km.
Competitors have a maximum of 7 hours to complete the race.
Run 7km
Service point: No service
There is no maximum time set to complete the race.
Half marathon 21,1km
Service point: Soikonvuori cave at approx 10 km.
Competitors have a maximum of 6,5 hours to complete the race.
Marathon 42,2km
Service points:
- Virolahti Bunker Museum at approx 14km.
- Soikonvuori cave at approx 24km.
- Salpa Line Museum at approx 35km.
- Competitors have a maximum of 7,5 hours to complete the race.
The service points offer water, sports drinks, bananas, pickles, salt, chips, chocolate and candies.
Competitors can leave their own equipment bag at the start of the race, from where it will be delivered by the organizer to the competition center at the Miehikkälä Salpa Line Museum.
Self-service is allowed at service points.
There are no service points on the Gravel Half Gas 60km and Run 7km routes.